Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Now all the green birds were dead. Now a strange and troubling thing began. The bipeds came by night made markings on the snow left dead animals in the midst of them. This happened now with much more frequency than it had in the past. They came long distances to do it many of them with fur which was not their own upon their shoulders. Jarry searched through the history files for all the reports on the creatures. "This one speaks of lights in the forest " he said. "Station Seven. " "What. . . ?" "Fire " he said. "What if they've discovered fire?" "Then they're not really beasts!" "But they were!" "They wear clothing now. They make some sort of sacrifice to our machines. They're not beasts any longer. " "How could it have happened?" "How do you think? _We_ did it. Perhaps they would have remained stupid--animals--if we had not come along and forced them to get smart in order to go on living..
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